Friday, 17 August 2012

My austerity measure .

So brave little Ecuador gives a man asylum , and the monumentally stupid British Foreign Secretary threatens to invade their London Embassy . 
The real story , here , is that a Commonwealth citizen is required for questioning about an offence in Sweden , he has not been charged with any thing ; however a European Arrest Warrant is issued and deportation sought.......for Questioning .
Worst of all it is to the shame of the British Government that an Australian has to seek political asylum against persecution by Britain .
Truly Hague , Cameron et al must be removed by the Party and sensible leadership put into place .   

Thursday, 16 August 2012

Go E

Friday, 10 August 2012

Thought for the day .

" Wear a tracksuit , rob a bank and get a prison sentence ........ wear a bankers suit , rob a bank and get a bonus . "

Saturday, 4 August 2012

Saturday, 28 July 2012

I could not put it better myself .

With full credit to Captain Ranty I re-post this analysis of Britain today :

Is it just me, or does this nation get more screwed up with each passing day?

Tonight we see the launch of a spectacle that is costing a bankrupt nation around £40 billion. Original costs were £2.5 billion. Will anyone bat an eyelid at this horrendous miscalculation? Hell no. For two weeks this bovine nation will stare, agog, as people from all over the world attempt to run, swim or cycle a nanosecond faster than everyone else. We will gasp, as people try to jump higher, or further, than the other competitors. Whoop de  doo.

We live in a country where the police can kill us, knowing that they will be set free. 1,463 people have died since 1990 and not one single conviction. I simply must get me one of those uniforms. I already have a target list of 650.....

We live in a country where the monarch has openly, and repeatedly, violated her Coronation Oath. Her contract with the people is broken, yet people care more for the latest title tattle in the  mainstream press. Those same newspapers, once lauded as "Champions of the People" have sunk lower than a snakes belly. They collude with the police, they hack phone calls, they tap phones, and yes, they have been caught but does anyone seriously imagine any of them will go to gaol? Really? Call me. I have some unicorns, pixie dust and working wands for sale.

We live in a country where the banks are so corrupt we need to rethink the definition of corrupt. They are on a whole new level of corrupt. They cannot manage their businesses effectively and in the real world, they would go bust. They would fail, and rightly so. But we aren't in the real world, Dorothy. We are in  Oz. Where the corridor to the Boardroom is paved with gold. The back door, reserved for those who do spectacularly badly, is paved with gold and diamonds. "Did you mess up sir? No matter. Have £9 million. Go, and sin no more. Not with this bank, at least."

We live in a country where the judiciary is broken almost beyond repair. You couldn't get justice in this country if you  paid for it. The monarch is a citizen now, an EU citizen first mind you, then a UK citizen, and no court in the land can get its authority from a bog standard citizen. And what do we do about that travesty? Damm all.

We live in a country where both our written and unwritten constitution is ignored by parliament. No surprise there. The place is filled with EU lickspittles who have no notion of nationhood. If they had, ECA 1972 would never have seen the light of day. But they do have great careers in the EU to look forward to. The pay, the perks, the conditions, hell, even the two day work-week beats the crap out of their current jobs in the HoC. British parliament is merely a stepping stone to greater things. If you possess integrity, honesty or honour, the House of Commons is no place for you. Values that we took for granted in our MPs of long ago are now seen as disqualifications for entry.

And come 2015, we will queue up like lemmings to vote in a new lot. We will demand that they be different from the last lot. We will be lied to in the run-up to the general election, and, as usual, we will believe those lies. We will vote, and we will be deeply, deeply disappointed yet again. We will prove that repeating the same experiment whilst expecting different results really is the definition of insanity.

Will that stop us?

Will it heck .

We live in a country where those who are supposed to represent us, are supposed to do our bidding, willfully ignore us. There is no recourse. They cannot be deselected. For that, we have to wait five years. We have to witness the lying, the cheating, the stealing, the out-and-out law-breaking sometimes, before we can do anything about it. They can, and do, live high on the hog for five years and all we can do is watch.

Of course it is all manipulated. It is manufactured. It is all a side-show. It is entertainment to the Elites. If, as some suggest, we are merely an ant farm to God, we are even less than that to these "public servants". We are bacteria. To be watched, to be observed, to be controlled utterly.

And we put up with it. We put up with it because we have had "no" stripped from our DNA. We have no idea just how powerful the word is. And those of us that do know are dismissed as nutters. Trouble-causers. Idiots.

The truth is simple: they need your consent for everything. Everything. Remove your consent and the world changes. The game changes. Their attitude towards you changes. Those freedoms that we gave away without shedding a drop of blood? They all come back. They all come home. Where they belong.

They were only ever a heartbeat away.

If you truly want your country back you are going to have to practice saying no. You are going to have to be an awkward sod. A trouble-causer. An instigator. A challenger. A rebel.

It is simpler than you think. Many are actively doing this today, right now.

Join in. Or else shut up about the state of the nation.

Because you made it so.


Thursday, 26 July 2012

Thursday, 19 July 2012

Justice denied . AGAIN .

Once again the Police get away with manslaughter , aided by a cowardly jury afraid to convict a policeman for fear of Police reprisals . How a not guilty verdict could be delivered after seeing that video is beyond belief and all reason .
It would appear that the Police are out of control and are above the law of the land and are nothing but the Government's bully boys and girls ; a likening of the Police to the Nazi S.A. is not unwarranted .

Sunday, 20 May 2012