Thursday 19 February 2009

A personal declaration to the British government .

Socrates is my philosophical mentor , I have based my ethical school of practice on his words and deeds ; thus I use his words to give the following declaration to Brown & Co.

”My dear fellow citizens, in spite of all possible esteem and respect for you, I will continue to follow god’s command and not yours, and as long as I can breathe and am capable, I will not stop my truth searching; I will continue to reprimand and instruct you, and when I meet one of you, I will speak to him in my usual way, maybe like this: Listen dear friend, you are from Athens, that has the reputation of being highest in power and culture, don’t you think it’s degrading that you only care about money and reputation and honor, and only think about how your fortune can become as big as possible, but don’t care the slightest bit about justice and truth, and never think about how your soul can be as good as possible?”

These words are truly timless and resonate down the centuries , they should be ignored at our peril .

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