Sunday 25 September 2011

Is dispare settling in .

The more that I watch the T.V. news and read the worlds blogs the more I am convinced that the nation is going to hell in a hand cart . We read that the British Gestapo visited a Christan cafe and told them that showing Bible verses on a TV screen was offensive and a crime . I challenge Blackpool Police to enter a Muslim establishment and tell them that displaying Koran verses is a crime , since verses from the Koran are offensive to me .
We see that in the midst of the TUC and thet idiot Milliband braying about cuts when it is revealed that borrowing is increasing under Osborne .
The regulators allow gas and electricity suppliers to increase charges until it has become unsustainable and unaffordable .... do they care that people are dying because of their greed ... do they hell .
As I see it we have a choice , one is to have a full scale revolution ; the other is to follow the advice at the top of this post .

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