Tuesday, 27 November 2007

Proof positive that Gordon Brown has LIED to the nation .

Proof at last , from an unimpeachable source that Gordon Brown has lied to us all , credit to the Brussels Journal and Open Europe .

A quote from former French President Valery Giscard d'Estaing at his blog, 23 November 2007

I have taken on the work of comparing the draft of the new Treaty of Lisbon with the Constitution on the ‘nine essential points’ published on this blog. To my surprise, and, to tell the truth, to my great satisfaction, these nine points reappear word for word in the new project. Not a comma has changed! The only thing is that you have to really look for them because they are dispersed in the texts the new Treaty refers to, namely the Treaties of Rome and Maastricht. The only difference is that the qualified majority voting is put off until 1 November 2014, while with the Constitution, it would have come into force straight after ratification. I do not see the interest of this delay and I think we could have done without it.

Now what are we going to do with this information that there is no material difference between the Reform Treaty and the E.U. Constitution .

That we have a liar as Prime Minister is not a surprise , however to deny the people of Britain a Referendum on the basis of a lie is unconscionable , the P.M. must be held to account ; impeach Brown now .

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