Monday 2 June 2008

The hell hole that is modern Britain .

I have difficulty in believing that this once great country could be reduced to a hell hole by 11 years of Labour rule , or should it be miss-rule ; but so it has come to pass .
Two Christian ministers were abused by a West Midlands Police PCSO for handing out literature in Birmingham , not only should that PCSO be sacked and prosecuted but the Chief Constable should resign , for it is obvious that the force he runs is out of control and behaving in an illegal manner .

Prudence Brown has brought the country to the point of ruin , diesel price inflation is at 24% , food price inflation at 14% , tumbling property prices and a wage freeze of 2% on everyone except City fat cats and MPs , this greedy scum want a 25% pay increase funded , of course , by the tax payers .

British industry is again coming under threat from more mad E.U.Directive that seek to give advantage to continental businesses , Churchill saved us from invasion and assimilation by the European Axis , only for Blair and Brown ( the traitor twins ) to hand the country over into E.U. dictatorship . Make no mistake , the Lisbon Treaty is the end for Britain's freedom , we will become the slave labour force for the E.U. Commission , our freedom of speech has already gone ( see first item ) . Was it not Churchill who said " We will fight them on the beaches.... " , we may just have to .
May God defend the Right .

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