Wednesday 26 March 2008

News from the U.S. of A .

Irrelevant picture of economic migrants .

Hard times in the money markets leading to tightening of building loans have led to lay offs in the building industry in Illinois , this has a domino effect on the interior finishers , fortunately Doc Jr. was paid up by his employer ( for which he was most grateful ) . He has plans to return to the U.K. to work on a contract here , save a nest egg then return to the U.S. when the economy there takes an upturn , he may be here some time then .
I have just realised that the Boy Wonder is an economic migrant , I wonder if he has realised that !

1 comment:

Unknown said...

No i did'nt realise that Doc snr, i thought it was because im getting a divorce, now i wonder, that the fact she's screwing me over (or trying to) in the bitter dispute over rightfull ownership of a rather expensive espresso machine, will finally make me an economic migrant??

Anyway see ya Sunday!!