Tuesday, 2 September 2008

McCain--Palin 2008 .

It is not often that I comment on U.S. politics , however I am moved to do so following the disgusting treatment that Sarah Palin is getting on both sides of the Atlantic . The Times contained sneering articles re: Mrs. Palin , the repetition of scurrilous lies and innuendo , it's petty mindedness is all too apparent for anyone open minded . Indeed it's Obama bias makes balanced reporting all but impossible ,
but when did the truth ever get in the way of a " good story " .
I am particularly upset at the fake sympathy regarding her 17 year old daughters pregnancy , how many politicians have sent their girls away to " Europe " as an excuse to have a child quietly and get it adopted , or even for them to have an abortion . Probably too many to count ; however Sarah Palin did what many mothers do in that situation , give her a hug and get on with dealing with the situation , if nothing else Palin is human , how few politicians have that quality .
The Democrats make much of her inexperience , but she has more executive experience the either Obama or Biden , she is at this moment the Commander in Chief of the Alaskan National Guard and running one of the largest States in the Union . I look forward in a few years to seeing the inauguration
of President Palin ,
Hail to the Chiefess .

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