Thursday, 20 September 2007

Pot Pourri .

I post on other blogs , in the comments section , and by and large they are well received , however on certain blogs there are people who's only delight is to belittle others . They themselves are , in fact , intellectual pygmies who only criticise and do not contribute to the discussion .

Speculation is rife over the position of H.M. the Queen when the E.U. Reform Treaty is ratified by the traitor Brown , the P.M. will be obliged to put the interests of the E.U. before the interests of the U.K.
How does this square with his oath to H.M. , currently the Forces swear allegiance to the Queen , but under the new Treaty they will be under the control of the E.U. I wonder whether , if push came to shove , the Forces would act against the Monarchs interest , and break their oaths .

How long can that silly old fool Zimmerman ( Ming ) keep the leadership of the Lib. Dems ., he is totally out of touch with reality and the British people .The so called policies paraded at the Lib.Dem. Party conference were ridiculous , one would laugh if it was not so serious .

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